The Board is the governing body of Awards WA Inc. (the Association) comprising of the Chair and Members and is responsible for the transparent, accountable governance of the Association and for policy making and setting strategic direction.
His Excellency the Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM, Governor of Western Australia
His Excellency the Honourable Chris Dawson AC APM was sworn in as the 34th Governor of Western Australia on 15 July 2022. The Dawson family have been part of the early colonial settlers over five generations of farming and law enforcement. The Governor’s great-great-grandparents arrived in the then Swan River colony in Western Australia in 1830. Christopher John Dawson APM was educated at Perth Modern School before joining the Western Australia Police Force in 1976, going on to provide 46 years of service in Australian law enforcement. He served in country and metropolitan positions, criminal investigation, training and senior roles. The Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2002 saw him awarded the Australian Police Medal for distinguished service.
After 10 years as Deputy Commissioner, he left WA for a national role in Canberra between 2014 to 2017 as Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Crime Commission, amalgamating several agencies into the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. He also served as Director of the Australian Institute of Criminology during this period. He was appointed Commissioner of the Western Australia Police Force in August 2017, serving until July 2022. During the period of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Commissioner Dawson coordinated the State of Emergency and the Vaccine program. In the 2023 Australia Day Honours List, His Excellency was appointed a Companion of the Order of Australia for eminent service to public Administration. He is married to Darrilyn Dawson, Education Consultant, with two married children and five grandchildren. Learn more of the role of the Governor of Western Australia at https:/
Mrs Darrilyn Dawson
Coming from a long line of farming families in the South West of WA, Mrs Darrilyn Dawson is a passionate supporter of the diverse contributions the country sector makes to our state. With over 40 years experience in the education sector, Mrs Dawson has taught in government and private schools in both country and metropolitan areas. Mrs Dawson has held a variety of roles throughout her career, including classroom teaching and as a Deputy Principal, and Principal in numerous primary schools. A career highlight was securing a job-share Principal role, which was successful over a number of years in several large primary schools. This innovative and successful partnership was acknowledged when Mrs Dawson and her job share Principal were awarded the statewide Equal Opportunity Award by the Department of Education and Training.
Mrs Dawson has served on several government school Boards. She is an Education Consultant, providing leadership training and mentoring, and is regularly involved in school selection panels, appointing educational leaders. Mrs Dawson is a Board and Committee member of two independent colleges and enjoys supporting them as they educate and grow our future leaders. She is passionate about early intervention at every opportunity and providing all children with the foundations to be their very best in whatever they aspire to do or be. The Governor and Mrs Dawson have always supported each other in their respective career choices and aspirations. Mrs Dawson is looking forward to spending more time with her husband as they work together promoting Western Australia, as well as acknowledging the many wonderful people in our community. When they are not working, Mrs Dawson and the Governor enjoy spending time with their two married children and their spouses, and five delightful grandchildren. Mrs Dawson holds a Bachelor of Education and a Diploma of Teaching.
2024 Awards WA Inc. Board
Anjie Brook - Co Chair
Anjie has many years of experience in education, striving to improve the outcomes and learning experiences for students who struggle in the mainstream setting. As well as being a highly accomplished researcher and developer of professional learning programs for WA school leaders and lead teachers, Anjie was the Principal Policy Adviser for the Minister for Education, Hon Peter Collier MLC and is a Fellow of Leadership Western Australia. Previous roles include the inaugural CEO of the Western Australian Aboriginal Leadership Institute, WA General Manager – The Smith Family and is currently the Executive Manager Education, Youth and Leisure with The Y.
John McMath - Co Chair
John is an experienced lawyer and non-executive Chairman and Director with over 35 years commercial experience in resources, mining, infrastructure and commercial fisheries. John regularly facilitates workshops for the Australian Institute of Company Directors on Board Effectiveness, Corporate Governance and Strategy and Risk. Currently John is the Chair of the Western Australian Youth Orchestra and a permanent member of the WA Department of Health Human Research Ethics Committee.
Conor McLaughlin - Vice Chair
Conor McLaughlin is the Co-Founder and Managing Director of Futuristic Skills. Since 2017, he has worked with young people in high schools and universities to teach them the most important job skills for the future of work. These skills include leadership, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, problem solving and interview skills. Conor graduated from UWA with a Bachelor of Commerce in 2020, and in 2022 he completed a Master of Mining and Energy Law. In 2023, he began a graduate role with Bain & Company in strategy consulting.
Joseph Hoe - Treasurer
Joseph Hoe has been in the financial services profession since 1998 and is currently a senior financial adviser with Wealthwise Pty Ltd. Joseph is a Fellow member of CPA (Australia), SMSF Specialist from the SMSF Association and is a Certified Financial Planner.
Money Management has named Joseph the national Financial Planner of the Year 2016 which recognises excellence in the Financial Planning profession and in our communities.
He was also recognised by the Financial Standard Magazine as one of the 50 most influential Financial Advisers in Australia in the prestigious FS Power50 list for 2021 & 2020. This list is made up of the 50 most influential financial advisers in the country according to the readers of Financial Standard and FS Advice – The Australian Journal of Financial Planning.
A Justice of the Peace in WA, Joseph provides consultation and aid to a variety of charities and non-profit organisations & has a wide portfolio of voluntary activities.
Greg Stagbouer
Greg is Gold Award Holder and is passionate about youth development. He has been involved with the State Award Board for many years as a Board Member, Chair and now Vice Chair. Greg has been a national Board Member and on the National Risk Committee. He was also involved with the Australian Air Force Cadets for almost 25 years. Greg is an accomplished manager with 30 years’ experience in various roles, with the last 20 dedicated to safety and training. Greg is currently the Managing Director of Meridio Solutions a safety, risk and training organisation who assist their clients develop real safety practices across a range of industries and fields. Greg is also a Director of several indigenous businesses, including Big Sky Training, an aspiring RTO in the Kimberley, and Kimberley Safety and Risk.
Chaise McHenry
Chaise has a strong background in marketing and event management as well as being Company Secretary of McHenry Holdings Pty Ltd. With a passion for youth, Chaise previously volunteered at Lady Lawley Cottage which provides short term respite for children with physical and intellectual disabilities. Chaise was recognised at the 2018 Award Ceremony with a 5 year Certificate of Service to the Association.
Hon Joe Francis
Joe joined the Royal Australian Navy as a Marine Technical Sailor, subsequently becoming commissioned as an Officer and served full time in submarines until 2008 when he was elected to the seat of Jandakot. Holding the seat until 2017, Joe became a Cabinet Minister with portfolios of Emergency Services, Corrective Services, Small Business, Veterans and Fisheries. Previously General Manager of Australian Transit Group, Joe is a member on the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and brings a wealth of knowledge to his role as Chairman.
Liam Staltari
Liam graduated from UWA with First Class Honours in Political Science & International Relations under the University’s research intensive Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons.) Scheme and is currently Change Manager at Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
With a professional background in providing policy and political advice in the Federal Government, Liam previously served as the State Youth Representative of the St Vincent de Paul Society of WA Inc. and is a current member of the Board of the Rotary Club of Kalamunda and the Committee of the Mazenod College Old Boys’ Association.
Life Members
Brother Thomas Oliver (Olly) Pickett AM
Brother Olly was awarded Life Membership with the Association in 2017 to recognise his long and positive involvement with the Award in WA, holding the Board positions of Vice Chair and Chair up until 2009. He was instrumental in introducing the Award into many schools in WA and remains as a strong advocate and supporter of the Award. Read about Brother Olly Pickett’s work with Wheelchair for Kids here.
Greg Stagbouer
Greg is Gold Award Holder and is passionate about youth development. He has been involved with the State Award Board for many years as a Board Member, Chair and now Vice Chair. Greg has been a national Board Member and on the National Risk Committee. He was also involved with the Australian Air Force Cadets for almost 25 years. Greg is an accomplished manager with 30 years’ experience in various roles, with the last 20 dedicated to safety and training. Greg is currently the Managing Director of Meridio Solutions a safety, risk and training organisation who assist their clients develop real safety practices across a range of industries and fields. Greg is also a Director of several indigenous businesses, including Big Sky Training, an aspiring RTO in the Kimberley, and Kimberley Safety and Risk.
Mike Wood
Mike was awarded Life Membership with the Association in 2011 to recognise his support in providing valuable office space to the Award in the Perth CBC. Mike is the Managing Director of Peregrine Travel Centre Read more about his adventures here.
Strategic Integrative Accountants
Strategic Integrative Accountants (SIA) is a firm of Certified Practising Accountants servicing primarily individuals and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in a diverse range of professional services, including accounting, taxation, business advisory and auditing..
Awards WA is committed in safeguarding people from harm – particularly children and vulnerable adults. This includes promoting and embedding the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and young people. We express this commitment through comprehensive child protection and volunteer management policies and procedures. This includes our Volunteer Code of Conduct, which outlines the standard of behaviour we require from Award Volunteers. For more information on key policy in relation to The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Australia, please click HERE and see other important links below.
- Awards WA Rules of Association
- Awards WA Strategic Plan 2019-2023
- 2019-2020 Financial Statements Report
- 2020 Awards WA Annual Report
- 2020-2021 Financial Statements Report
- 2021 Awards WA Annual Report
- 2022 Awards WA Annual Report
- 2021-2022 Financial Statements Report
- 2023 Awards WA Annual Report
- 2022-2023 Financial Statements Report
- 2024 Awards WA Annual Report
- 2023-2024 Financial Statements Report
- Whistleblower Policy
Latest News
February 6, 2025
YouVolunteer Launch -
October 17, 2022
2022 Gold Award Ceremony -
January 17, 2022
Introducing Ignite Award Program Officer